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Petition - View Signatures


Lifting the Creek - remediation of the closed landfill in Haewai / Houghton Valley

We request that WCC put the remediation of our closed landfill into the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan to reduce leachate contamination of Taputeranga Marine Reserve; prevent hydrocarbon odours from stormwater drains in homes; divert storm and spring water from becoming contaminated in the under-landfill pipes; and create a natural stormwater system that provides habitat for our non-human residents, and an engaging space for recreation, food growing and spring water harvesting.

Submitted by Jenny Rattenbury
Opened 27 October 2023
Closed 27 November 2023


Total: 227

Name Suburb City
Daniel Mcgoverin Kilbirnie Wellington
Lucas Halvorson Stokes Valley LOWER HUTT
Philip Wickens Lyall bay Wellington
Caleb Harris Mt cook Wellington
Walter Edmonds kelburn wellington
Rory Wagner Stokes Valley Wellington
Luke Atkinson Owhiro Bay Wellington
James Whitaker Seatoun Wellington
Belen Martin Houghton bay Wellington
Mati Vait Wellington Wellington
Paulina Simons Kilbirnie Wellington
Beckie Calder-Flynn Kelburn Wellington
Kearnan Murphy Kingston Wellington
Michael Muciuli-Webster Mt Victoria Wellington
Coral T Woburn Wellington
Kristin Pratscher Lyall bay Wellington
Theo Sakofsky Karori Wellington
Molly Hereaka bowden Strathmore Wellington
Callum Skinner Epuni Lower Hutt
Sara Bucher Te Aro Wellington