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Petition - View Signatures


Make safe space for cycling on Thorndon Quay

We all deserve safe streets.

Let’s make Thorndon Quay safe for people on bikes.

We call on Wellington City Council to change angle parking to parallel parking on Thorndon Quay, to make space for people on bikes.

Thorndon Quay is a key route in Wellington’s cycling network, linking the city with northern suburbs. Sadly, it has a high crash rate. That needs fixing urgently.

Submitted by Patrick Morgan
Opened 22 December 2020
Closed 22 February 2021


Total: 389

Name Suburb City
Darren Calder Woburn Lower hutt
Belinda Moss Lowry Bay Eastbourne
Matt Roberts Moera Lower Hutt
Patrick McKenna Northland Wellington
Martin Wilson Aro Valley Wellington
Graeme Lyon Petone Lower Hutt
Peter Steven Highbury Wellington
Barbara Wheeler Aro Valley Wellington
Raquel Gunman Brooklyn Wellington
Nicholas Cox Tawa Wellington
Bruce Spedding Eastbourne Lower Hutt
Arthur Price Island Bay Wellington
Tanya Piejus Wellington Wellington
Lucy Chave Hataitai Welington
Mathea Roorda Wellington Wellington City
Paul Mahoney Lower Hutt Lower Hutt
Martijn van der Tol Island Bay Wellington
Christopher Dempsey Parnell Tamaki Makaurau
Derek Richardson Belmont Lower Hutt
Jack Elder Khandallah Wellington