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Petition - View Signatures


There is increasing demand for community gardens

There is increasing demand for community gardens. They provide educational, practical and social opportunities. As a community garden we would like something like a community gardens co ordinator role to be created to support the hours of volunteer labour that goes into community gardens. Community gardens builds communities, encourage participation, improve child health, and reduce dr's visits when diet is improved.

Submitted by Andrew Mclachlan
Opened 7 June 2011
Closed 7 August 2011


Total: 155

Name Suburb City
Britta Jorgensen Mount Victoria Wellington
Alix Campbell Melrose Wellington
Kena Duignan Brooklyn Wellington
Cillian Walker Mount Cook Wellington
serene fortuna miramar Wellington
Jason Naylor Mt Cook Wellington
Dru Burger Faulkner Stokes Valley Lower Hutt
Robyn Langlands Newtown Wellington
Kaye Reardon brooklyn Wellington
Kylie Walker Melrose Wellington
steve goodfellow hataitai wellington
Sally Pope Five Dock Sydney
Helen Marie O'Connell Oriental Bay Wellington
David Earle Newlands Wellington
Mary Hubble Brooklyn Wellington
Amie Van der Meel Mount Cook Wellington
Clowance Nolan Island Bay Wellington
David Driscole Te Aro Wellington
Emma Doherty Ngaio Wellington
fin desmond herne bay auckland