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Petition - View Signatures


Make safe space for cycling on Thorndon Quay

We all deserve safe streets.

Let’s make Thorndon Quay safe for people on bikes.

We call on Wellington City Council to change angle parking to parallel parking on Thorndon Quay, to make space for people on bikes.

Thorndon Quay is a key route in Wellington’s cycling network, linking the city with northern suburbs. Sadly, it has a high crash rate. That needs fixing urgently.

Submitted by Patrick Morgan
Opened 22 December 2020
Closed 22 February 2021


Total: 389

Name Suburb City
Emily Hartley-Skudder Thorndon Wellington
Mark Godfrey Petone Lower Hutt
Venkat Raghavan Grenada village Wellington
Susie Robertson Brooklyn Welligton
Michael Gray Miramar Wellington
Julia FitzGerald Tawa Wellington
Frances Wright johns Ngaio Wellington
Peter Gent Mt Victoria Wellington
Gerad McArthur Khandallah Wellington
Steven Farrow Johnsonville Wellington
Paul Campbell Newtown Wellington
Igor Albornett Wellington Wellington
Alastair Kendrew Woodridge Wellington
Eamonn Doherty Wellington Wellington
Gabi Steer Thorndon Wellington
Brittany Challis Ngaio Wellington
Keith Morris Trentham Upper Hutt
Brook Mitchell Porirua Porirua
Emily Dinsdale Kenepuru Porirua
Phillip Kane Ngaio Wellington