Save the Khandallah Summer Pool from Closure
The summer pool is a treasured part of the northern suburbs, well loved by generations of families and their children. Sure it is a bit tired, showing the effects of no investment for over fifty years, but permanent closure is not the answer! We recognise things are tight for Council, but we don’t want a brand new pool, just to save the existing facility from closure so that the next generation of children can enjoy its unique experience.
While other facilities across the city were being invested in and upgraded, the Khandallah Summer Pool has suffered from a lack of any investment for over fifty years. There is no similar outdoor pool facility across the northern parts of the city where children and teenagers can hang out over the summer holidays in a safe, active environment. Once closed, it is lost to the city forever.
Total: 3,368
Name |
Suburb |
City |
Kelly Cenek |
Hataitai |
Wellington |
Peierh Aui |
Pipitea |
Wellington |
Emily Sutton |
Ngaio |
Wellington |
Libby Beattie |
Island Bay |
Weingyonn |
Sara O'Donnell |
Wellington |
Wellington |
Martin OShea |
Ngaio |
Wellington |
Fiona Newson |
Wilton |
Wellington |
Fiona TAWSE |
Auckland |
Auckland |
Nicolaas Lambrechtsen |
Khandallah |
Wellington |
Jamu Ranchhod |
Newlands |
Robin Ashworth-Cape |
Wellington |
wellingron |
Peter Tunnicliff |
Khandallah |
Wellington |
Carleen Woolley |
Ngaio |
Wellington |
Jim Foye |
Khandallah |
Wellington |
Malcolm McKinnon |
Mount Victoria |
Wellington |
jan Myer |
Khandallan |
Wellington |
Doris Heinrich |
Khandallah |
Wellington |
Richard Wysoczanski |
Wellington |
Wellington |
Aimee Hunter-Smith |
Khandallah |
Wellington |
Vivienne Chaople |
Ngaio |
Wellington |