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More fenced dog parks in Wellington central

In wellington, there are only two fenced dog areas, and they are both in central wellington. Dogs are in constant danger of running out in to the road and being injured. We can prevent this by having at least a few more areas owners can safely take their dog without concerns of them being able to freely leave the park.

Submitted by Hannah Barry-Goss
Opened 24 December 2014
Closed 24 March 2015


Total: 439

Name Suburb City
Jared Slight Aotea Porirua
Duncan Turnbull Miramar Wellington
Vikram Kumar Maupuia Wellington
Phil snow Eadtbourne Lower Hutt
Amanda Kent Te Aro Wellington
Penny Krieg Newlands Wellington
Lisa Austin Highbury Wellington
Jenny McMurray otaihanga paraparaumu
Christine Burckhardt Wilton Wellington
Joan Oxlee Swannanoa Christchurch
Toni Barrett Johnsonville Wellington
Cindie uddstrom Newlands wellington
Angela Slocombe Khandallah Wellington
maria ellins miramar wellington
Lynley Webster Te Aro Wellington
Lucy Craig Karori wellington
Lindsay Eaton Lyall Bay Wellington
Jamie Howard berhampore wellington
Cath Hambly Tawa Wellington
Cari Ramsay Paraparaumu Paraparaumu