Traffic Calming urgently needed and well overdue on Russell Terrace in Berhampore.

Petition details

Effectively reduce the speed of traffic on Russell Tce in Berhampore using one of, or a combination of the following options by the end of 2023: A. Alternating car parking on each side of Russell Tce, from Lavaud St, northwards to intersection at the end of Edinburgh Tce. B. Remove the narrow from the eastern side of Tce, adding planter beds on alternating sides of Tce as above in option A. C. Install low speed bumps from Lavaud St, northwards to intersection at the end of Edinburgh Tce.

Submitted by Daniel Dunn
Date withdrawn
Status Withdrawn

Background information

Council data shows traffic speeding all hours on Russell Terrace. The "Russell Terrace Drive Safely" signs at the beginning of the residential area does very little to change the behaviour of drivers. When previously operating the digital speed warning sign only changed the behaviour of few drivers, and due the placement of the sign, well after they enter the residential area. Residents of 30+yrs have stated, "speed has always been an issue here".


Signatures: 1

What happened to this petition?

This petition was withdrawn by the petitioner.