Shared Path Miramar Peninsula

Petition details

We think a shared path around the coast from North Bay (Shelly Bay) to Scorching Bay could be great for Wellington. The coast includes nesting and breeding areas for little blue penguins and white-fronted terns, as well as rare plant species. The harbour-side lane of Massey Road will become a safe area where people can enjoy a walk or leisurely bike ride along the coast. The 3km road from Shelly Bay to Scorching Bay will be one-lane and one-way only for motorised traffic.

Submitted by Mary Anderson
Opened 28 April 2020
Closed 28 June 2020
Status Presented

Background information

Car drivers will be able to cross the shared path at various points to reach swimming, fishing, diving and boating spots, as well as parking for Massey Memorial and Point Halswell.


Signatures: 268

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 28 June 2020.

The petition was presented to the Strategy & Policy Committee - disestablished committee on 13 August 2020.

Download Officers' Response (136KB PDF)