Extend Newtown Library Hours on Saturdays

Petition details

That the Newtown Library hours be extended to close at 4:30pm on Saturdays, like Karori, Johnsonville & Kilbirnie.

Submitted by Bernard O'Shaughnessy
Opened 23 February 2018
Closed 23 April 2018
Status Presented

Background information

Newtown and its library is a very busy place. The facilities should be available to locals and visitors on Saturday afternoon.


Signatures: 66

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 23 April 2018.

The petition was presented to the City Strategy Committee committee on 17 May 2018.

The City Strategy Committee resolved to:

  1. Receive the information. 
  2. Thank Mr O’Shaughnessy for his petition. 
  3. Agree to request that officers come back to the Committee in August 2018 with a paper outlining a process for reviewing the library strategy in time for the 2021/3 Long Term Plan. 
  4. Recommend to the Long Term and Annual Plan Committee that Newtown Library hours be extended as a trial to close at 4pm on Saturdays effective 1 July 2018 for a period of 12 months after which it is reviewed.