Bike Freely programme in Wellington City

Petition details

To investigate the possibility of creating a bike freely programme in Wellington. This includes bike paths solely for cyclist and sufficient parking spaces for bicycles.

Submitted by Chun Lee
Opened 29 February 2008
Closed 29 May 2008
Status Presented

Background information

A similar programme is run in France, where more than 10,000 people a day use bicycles instead of private cars to commute from place to place in city. This change has greatly reduced the rate of carbon emissions and traffic congestion within the CBD. Following the great success of France, London plans to implement a similar programme. Wellington as the capital city of New Zealand, should follow this lead, and implement a similar programme.


Signatures: 1,352

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 29 May 2008.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 27 June 2008.

This petition was referred to officers to consider in their work. Petitioners are invited to submit on the draft Cycling Policy when this goes out for consultation in August.

Download Officers' Response (104KB PDF)