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Fence the open green space on Onslow Road, Khandallah.

Petition details

We, the under signed, want the grassed open area on Onslow Road to be a fenced off, in order to be utilised as a play area or dog park.

Submitted by Amanda Barber
Opened 3 June 2021
Closes 3 August 2021
Status Not Presented

Background information

Residents of Khandallah know that there is an open green space on Onslow Road, where the 'Welcome to Khandallah' sign is situatiated. Members of the community feel this space ought to be kept as a green space, but fenced and gated to allow people, namely dog owners, to use it. It is currently under utilised due to safety concerns from motorists and the bank. As long as the area has been fenced and gated, a community discussion could be created around it's use.


Signatures: 21

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 3 August 2021.