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Quays Please

Petition details

Sign the petition to see - Wellington City Council work with the Let’s Get Wellington Moving program to urgently bring this forward as a special project - The special project will leverage the new capabilities provided from the recently passed Reshaping Streets package as a ‘Street Pilot’ - The new route will be in place and useable by the public before March 2024

Submitted by Alex Dyer
Opened 12 September 2023
Closed 12 October 2023
Status Closed

Background information

Cycle Wellington is calling on Wellington City Council and Waka Kotahi to create a dedicated, and protected connection for people to cycle along the waterfront quays - from Oriental Parade to Whitmore Street. A separate, dedicated route for cycling on the quays will enable the Wellington Waterfront to fully realise its potential as a public people space. The mixed use approach we have currently will not accommodate the growing number of journeys by bike.


Signatures: 241

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 12 October 2023.