Don't clog our roads - stop people inappropriately parking on both sides of our narrow roads.

Petition details

Please Wellington City Council, paint yellow lines on one side of many streets to allow proper flow of traffic and stop people parking on our footpaths. A downside may be that people parking on public roads may not be able to park as close to their houses, and may get a little exercise.

Submitted by Brendan White
Date withdrawn 29 September 2011
Status Withdrawn

Background information

Wellington by its hilly nature has, narrow roads, and sharp corners. Many roadways are three cars wide, and become unsafe single lanes when there are cars parked on both sides of the road. People often park partly on the footpath to help relieve traffic however they block footpaths, and break the law. If the council paints yellow lines on one side of the road, people won't have to deal with as many one lane blind corners, and won't feel compelled to block our footpaths.


Signatures: 20

What happened to this petition?

This petition was withdrawn by the petitioner.