Test Perret’s corner for bus route chaos before the buses start to run

Petition details

A physical road-test of the Golden Mile Improvements be conducted in conjunction with Greater Wellington Regional Council and GoWellington testing two way bus traffic in opposite directions with a focus on the Willis/Taranaki Street Precicnt including Perretts Corner and Manners/Victoria Streets intersection and recorded on video for NZTA approval.

Submitted by Maria van der Meel
Opened 20 August 2010
Closed 20 November 2010
Status Presented

Background information

NZTA guidelines require that any new road be tested after completion before being made operational and as the funder of this project must be adhered to and is demanded for the public interest by way of this ePetition.


Signatures: 55

What happened to this petition?

This petition closed for signatures on 20 November 2010.

The petition was presented to the Strategy and Policy Committee on 25 November 2010.

1) Receive the petition
2) Note the Officers advice that a trial will be conducted on Sunday 28th November 2010 and NZTA approval is not required

Download Officers' Response (17KB PDF)