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Te Tai Ohinga | Central City Youth Hub

A youth hub on Willis Street designed by young people, for young people.

Alongside our partners The Y, we worked with local young people to design and create Te Tai Ohinga.

Te Tai Ohinga is a free, safe space for young people to hang out, study, play games, connect and learn. It's located on Willis Street, close to The Free Store and St Peter’s Church.

It comes complete with an open kitchen, a podcasting studio, a gaming zone with an Xbox and Playstation, toilets, a study space and much more.


Ground floor, 203 Willis Street – view on Google Maps.

What's on

To find out what's on at Te Tai Ohinga, visit The Y website:

Te Tai Ohinga website


On-street parking is available. There is also a Wilson Parking car park opposite.


Te Tai Ohinga is wheelchair fully accessible.


For bookings, contact Te Tai Ohinga directly.

Tai Timu - Meeting room

A medium sized room suitable for a maximum of 8 people. It has video conferencing capabilities, a large table, a whiteboard wall and 8 chairs.

Tai Pari - Quiet space

A small room suitable for a maximum of 3 people. Tai Pari is intended to be a quiet place for rangatahi to relax, have some solo time or have a chat.

Taupuni īpāho - Podcast studio

A small sized room suitable for a maximum of 4 people. The podcast studio has a shared computer, microphones and headsets for recording podcasts.

Marama Roroku – Study space

A medium-sized room with 5 computers for use by young people.


Website: Te Tai Ohinga Youth Hub
Mobile: 022 106 6786