Sportsville Partnership Feasibility Fund

This fund aims to provide funding towards the development of sports facilities and partnerships at major sporting and recreation hubs in Wellington City.

Fund details

Contact: Sanjay Patel, Sports and Club Partnership Lead:

About this funding

The Sportsville Feasibility Fund of $40,000 per year supports feasibility studies for sport facility projects. Through the fund Council will contribute up to 50% of the costs of planning to determine the feasibility of a project.

The feasibility fund aims to support projects in their developmental phase once a clear need has been identified. In some cases the fund can assist in a more detailed needs assessment if required. The fund acknowledges that projects may require the development of business cases, planning (for example, developing constitutions and financial systems) and resource consent studies, and other information.

The fund is a competitive fund and applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

What is a sportsville?

A sportsville is a partnership between sports clubs/codes and organisations who work in a strategic way with multiple internal and external stakeholders to collaboratively develop their clubs and codes. 

The concept allows community and sporting groups to better meet the needs of a community. Sharing facilities, for example, changing rooms, fields, administration, social space, and meeting rooms, results in greater use and improves financial sustainability. This brings economies of scale to the cost of providing and maintaining facilities.

Needs assessment

The first stage in the planning of a successful sport and recreational project is the identification of the needs of the community. A needs assessment identifies any oversupply or lack of existing facilities and services. The aim is to justify provision with evidence that separates wants from needs, ideally completed through an independent review. The assessment will provide clear direction about the most appropriate scope, scale, component parts and the timing of the proposed project. Such a concept can then be tested in a feasibility study which is the second stage in the project planning process.

It is only when the needs assessment has been completed that a feasibility study can be undertaken to assess the viability of any proposed facility development.

Feasibility study

The first stage develops the concept of the facility, while the second stage of the feasibility study tests the practicality of the concept. 

A feasibility study examines the viability of a proposal and is informed by an objective analysis. A feasibility study will provide data and information to support or not support the progression of a project in its most practicable way. 

Ideally, the two stages should be undertaken separately by independent parties to ensure impartial judgement and transparent processes.

Application process and criteria

1. Meet with Council staff

To arrange a meeting, email Sanjay Patel, Sports and Club Partnership Lead: 

During this meeting we will help to determine the level of significance of the project. In some cases, where projects are regionally significant you may be directed to Nuku Ora (formally Sport Wellington).

2. Draft an initial proposal and present this to Council officers

The proposal should include information on and answer the following topics. This does not need to be as thorough as a needs assessment, however, we do expect a high-level overview of all aspects.

Group details

Include the following:

  • charitable trust or incorporated society registration number
  • brief history of group and where currently operating
  • membership trends
  • governance and staffing structure
  • demonstrate a healthy, sustainable financial positioning about the group.

Identified need

  • Clear drivers for the project.
  • A problem or opportunity clearly defined.
  • Is there an identified gap in provision and why is a new facility required? This information needs to be comprehensive and evidence based.
  • Can the need or demand be meet from within existing facilities in the region, if not what is the justification for an additional facility or expansion? 

Stakeholders and multi-use

Council’s priority is multi-use/shared facilities that deliver maximum benefit to users/the wider community.

  • Demonstrate collaboration with potential users of facility and reserve.
  • Demonstrate that the facility will be multi‐purpose, multiuse and/or demonstrate that the facility will have high community benefit/reach.
  • Detail the impact on other users of existing facilities and nearby facilities.
  • Outline how the proposal fits into the wider network of sporting/community facilities including the regional network of facilities.
  • Outline the proposed governance and management model for the project.
  • Attach letters of support from potential users or groups.

Strategic alignment

  • Alignment with national and regional body/facility strategies.
  • Alignment with Nuku Ora Regional Spaces and Places Framework and Plan(s). Note that you are encouraged to connect with Nuku Ora to find out more about aligning to the regional plan. In some cases, where your project is regionally significant you will be directed to the Regional Spaces and Places Steering Group where you can seek regional endorsement for your project.
  • Alignment with Council Reserve Management plan, Town Belt Act and key Council strategic documents and policies.


  • Demonstrate understanding of potential cost and how to minimise cost?
  • Demonstrate planning on how project would be funded?
  • What conversations has group had with potential funders, if any?
  • Demonstrate awareness of potential risks.
  • Whole of life financial modelling considered and information provided.

3. Officers assess the proposal

Officers will then assess the proposal, provide feedback and advise if further details are required, or a recommendation can be taken to the Pītau Pūmanawa | Grants Subcommittee for feasibility funding.

Essential requirements

  1. Applicants must show evidence of being a legally constituted not-for-profit community group, trust or organisation, such as Incorporated Society or Charitable Trust, and financially sound.
  2. Applicants must show evidence of good financial management and organisational practices – for example, clear and detailed planning and reporting processes, or (for newly established groups/trust/organisations) evidence to show that processes are in place to support ongoing financial management.
  3. At least one recent quote or estimate from an independent consultant, that relates directly to the feasibility work applied for. This is often produced after you have submitted your proposal to Council.
  4. Letter of commitment from the applicant outlining ability to contribute at least 50% of the costs. 

How applications are assessed and decisions made

  • Applications will need to meet criteria for the fund as detailed above.
  • Funding decisions will be made by Pītau Pūmanawa | Grants Subcommittee.
  • A signed Memorandum of Understanding with Council and the entity making the application will form part of the funding agreement. This will set out intentions of each party and shared objectives and outcomes.
  • Council may impose conditions when offering grants which might include staged release of funding or specify the involvement of a Council Officer in meetings and negotiations with contractors.

Please note Council has an annual allocation which may already be exhausted. 

The Sportville Partnership Fund

The Sportsville Partnership Fund of $500,000 per year has been available since 2018/19 to assist with the design and construction stage of projects. Applications for partnership funding will only be considered after a feasibility and/or a business case is completed.

The feasibility and/or business case must include all aspects stated within the feasibility fund guidelines and criteria. The feasibility and business case will may be subject to an external review.

Contact us

If you wish to apply for this fund, please contact Sanjay Patel, Sports and Club Partnership Lead
