Contract Funding

Multi-year (or contract) funding provides organisations with regular ongoing funding within specific funding programmes.

Fund under review

We are working to review priorities within the Social and Recreation fund to align with the 2024-2034 Long Term Plan. Any changes will be decided by the Pītau Pūmanawa | Grants Subcommittee on Wednesday 4 December 2024. We will share updates on criteria, priorities, and guidance for current and potential recipients after this date.

Organisations whose activities directly contribute to Council’s strategic or policy goals can be funded through multi-year funding.

This multi-year funding support provides stability for community organisations that work to strengthen capacity in Wellington’s social wellbeing, environmental and cultural sectors. Organisations are critical to Wellington, contributing to Wellington’s sense of place and the long-term sustainability of the city’s infrastructure.

Organisations supported through this funding meet the specific priorities of the funding programme (e.g. Arts and Culture, Social and Recreation Fund, Natural Environment Fund) and will also be:

  • well-established and, with some council funding, be sustainable in the long term
  • generally regarded as a feature of Wellington’s infrastructure or have a strategic relationship with Council
  • one in which (without wishing to influence its day-to-day activities) the Council has a strong interest in the outcomes of the organisation

Being able to show that your organisation has a partner relationship is beneficial. 

These contracts are generally in three-year funding cycles, with agreed milestones and performance measures which are reviewed annually. Organisations will have a designated relationship manager who monitors progress. This is reviewed at the end of each funding cycle (generally three years).

These funding contracts will be for activities that represent the core business of the Council or directly contribute to the Council’s strategic or policy goals. Organisations will typically have had a pattern of funding and can deliver on strategic priorities.

Monitoring and reporting

In 2021 we updated our processes and systems for managing and monitoring our funding. This included updating our Grants Management System in September 2021, reviewing our funding agreements to strengthen health and safety provisions and introducing a relationship management framework. Our funding agreements include requirements that funded organisations provide us with reporting on relevant health and safety matters or notifiable events.

The relationship management framework has three main parts: a set of criteria to define the level of engagement required between Council and funded organisations; consistent levels of engagement and reporting; and an escalation process if issues arise. Organisations and projects within our higher level of monitoring would be; providing social services case work or work with children and young people and/or have funding of more than $250,000 a year and/or have been identified as requiring additional support, provide a key service or are identified as being a strategic partner.

As part of this approach we will be carrying out more face to face (or video conference) hui and requiring that funded organisations have processes and documentation in place in line with their entity type and work programme (e.g. relevant policies, procedures and risk/incident registers).  

Current Contracts (156KB PDF)

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Funding Team
