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Local Water Done Well

Our city is facing multiple challenges and opportunities in the way we manage our water services. This includes Local Water Done Well, previously known as Three Waters and Affordable Water Reforms.

In December 2023 the Government announced a new direction for water services (drinking water, wastewater and stormwater services) policy and legislation which it has called Local Water Done Well.

The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) has provided councils with information about the Local Water Done Well policy decisions. Read the DIA’s information for councils.

Minister of Local Government Hon Simeon Brown has also provided information on Local Water Done Well stage 2: Establishing the framework and transitional arrangement for the new water services system. Read the letter from Hon Simeon Brown.

Have your say

We’re seeking your feedback on which option you believe would be the best delivery model for Wellington's water services. There are three options for your consideration:

  • A multi-council water organisation co-owned by Wellington City, Upper Hutt City, Hutt City, Porirua City and Greater Wellington Regional councils
  • A Wellington City Council sole ownership water organisation, and
  • Continuing with existing arrangements where Wellington City Council owns water assets and contracts services out.

The multi-council-owned water organisation is the preferred option.

Take part in the public consultation from Thursday 20 March to Monday 21 April 2025.

Have your say

Next steps

Consultation results will be collated and provided to councillors.

Public oral submission will take place throughout April and May.

Councillors will make a decision on the final delivery model before the end of June.

A Water Services Delivery Plan needs to be submitted to Department of Internal Affairs before 3 September 2025.


A Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has also been set up to provide expert advice on the implementation of Local Water Done Well.

Wellington City Council started working with nine other councils in the wider Wellington region exploring the establishment of a regional water services organisation.

A Memorandum of Understanding with the ten councils was agreed to in May 2024. Since that time a number of councils have confirmed their preferred delivery models which has resulted in Upper Hutt City, Hutt City, Porirua City and Greater Wellington Regional councils all agreeing to progress with a Wellington regional water services organisation.

Read the joint proposal (446KB PDF)

The Water Services Preliminary Arrangements Act (the Act) (previously referred to as Bill 2) was enacted on Monday 2 September 2024. The Act outlines a number of provisions that councils must adhere to – most notably the development and submission of a Water Services Delivery Plan (WSDP) to DIA by Wednesday 3 September 2025.

WSDPs are a way for councils to demonstrate their commitment to deliver water services that meet regulatory requirements, support growth and urban development, and that are financially sustainable.

Additionally, councils must consult on the proposed delivery model. Consultation on our preferred option will take place early 2025.

For more information on the Act and WSDPs refer to the DIA website.

Local Government (Water Services) Bill (“Bill 3”)

Bill 3 was introduced to the House on 10 December 2024. For more information on the Bill refer to:

Wellington region water services planning

A report on the Recommended Regional Approach to Water Services Delivery was released to all 10 councils working together under the memorandum of understanding (902KB PDF).

The recommended option is for a joint council-owned company (a full breadth water utility, owning all assets, revenues and liabilities).

A joint water services entity is one of several options available to us.

Regional water Council Controlled Organisation (CCO) preferred option

On 11 December, elected members and Pou Iwi approved the alternative options to take out to public consultation and feedback.

The multi-council-owned water organisation is the preferred option.

Kōrau Tōtōpū | Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee minutes - 11 December 2024 (527KB PDF)