Local Food Week

A festival celebrating Wellington’s local food scene and the community that flourishes when we grow, cook and eat together.

Local Food Week launch at Hopper.

In 2024, Wellington City Council supported Seeds to Feeds to create a week of delectable local food events. From a gourmet and functional fungi workshop to local food tastings, a session on innovative backyard growing, and an inside look at food rescue, there was something to tempt everyone.

As a community organisation, Seeds to Feeds specialise in building and strengthening local food communities in our neighbourhoods. Opportunities to meet interested others, share knowledge, skills and stories, and make warm connections were in abundance.

The food related festivities continued in our communities throughout March with Neighbours Aotearoa and Seeds to Feeds’ Harvest Celebration Festival.

Visit this page in early 2025 to find out about next autumn's events.

Contact us

Connected Communities

Email: communitysupport@wcc.govt.nz

Phone: 04 499 4444