The community composting hubs trial is part of council’s commitment to investigate options for diverting food waste from landfill. ‘Community composting’ is defined as small composting sites, which operate at the neighbourhood or community scale with the support of local households.
Food waste makes up about a third of the region’s kerbside waste, on average. Composting reduces the production of methane (a powerful greenhouse gas) from landfill and retains valuable soil nutrients. When we compost as a community, we also support social connections and community resilience, more sustainable and regenerative local food systems, and opportunities for household composting education.
Interest in community composting is growing in New Zealand but there are few initiatives in Wellington. In many cases, our District Plan requires community composting initiatives to have a resource consent. We are supporting six groups to obtain the necessary permits to set up community composting hubs. The aim is to explore conditions that encourage safe, effective, and ecologically responsible composting by communities and households.
Where are the hubs located?