Tono i tētahi raihana mō ngā karaehe whakapakari tinana
Apply for a fitness classes licence

Apply for a licence to operate commercial group fitness activities, lessons and coaching and promote active and healthy lifestyles in our public spaces.

Apply now

Commercial fitness activities refer to classes and coaching held on public land where participants pay trainers or instructors for their services.

We ask that group trainers get a licence to ensure our public spaces are well-managed with no damage to the environment or facilities. The fitness classes licence is valid for a year.

Examples of fitness groups include:

  • gym sessions
  • circuit training
  • boot camps
  • boxing and pad training
  • mountain bike coaching.

Running, cycling, and walking groups that are not commercial in nature don't need a licence.

Apply for a licence

Hours and time limits

Group fitness activities are allowed between 5am and 10pm, Monday to Sunday.

Activities that take place in one location for the whole class (for example, yoga) should not run longer than 90 minutes.

There is no time limit for roving activities, for example, mountain biking or trail running.

Training locations

You can hold your training groups at our sportsgrounds, parks and reserves.

As parks and reserves are places where people go to enjoy the outdoors, and where events take place, there may be times when you may need to change where you train.

Book a location

After you have received your licence, for all activities you need to book a location – let us know how many people you expect and activity times. Location fees may apply.

To book a location, contact Parks, Sport and Recreation by emailing busp&

Book a sportsground


There is no application fee for a fitness classes licence.

There may be a booking fee depending on the location and facilities at the location. Some venues may also require a bond to cover possible damages or wear and tear.

Being safe and considerate

Our parks and open spaces are for everyone. You will be sharing the space with others. Please be considerate and take care to:

  • keep any stairs, paths and parking areas clear for other people
  • make sure your participants or any equipment doesn't damage our environment, in particular grass, plants and trees
  • not walk or step on benches, sculptures, memorials or public art
  • steer clear of residential doorways, and shop or business doorways during business hours
  • keep noise level reasonable (no megaphones or whistles).

Full terms and conditions are included with your licence.

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact our Parks, Sport and Recreation team.


Phone: 04 499 4444