Play in teams with 6-8 players.
Choose from the following sports: Ki-o-rahi, Pickleball, Floorball, Futsal, Volleyball, Badminton, Basketball, Netball, Tchoukball, Handball, Korfball, Spikeball, Turbo Touch, Ultimate Frisbee and Dodgeball. We can help you select your sports if you're not sure what's best for your group.
Ākau Tangi will supply the following: refs, an MC, team bibs, and all sports equipment.
Sports will run for 15 minutes each (7-minute halves) with a 5-minute break to move to the next sport.
Cost: Depends on the number of teams and rounds. For example, 6 teams x 6 rounds of 3 sports would cost $180.
Complete the booking form and we’ll get back to you with a quote.