News | 30 July 2024
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Council CE Barbara McKerrow to conclude full term in 2025

Wellington City Council’s Chief Executive Barbara McKerrow has informed Mayor Tory Whanau and Councillors that she will not seek an extension to her five-year term, which will conclude on 1 March 2025.

Wellington City Council Chief Executive Barbara McKerrow with the Distinguished Management Award at the Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards
Barbara McKerrow wins Distinguished Management Award at Taituarā Local Government Excellence Awards

“As advised to Mayor Whanau and the Mayor of the previous triennium, this has been my intention from the outset,” says Ms McKerrow.


“I will have had the privilege of serving this city for eight years, both as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive, bringing my total service to local government to more than forty years. This has been a tremendously rewarding career, but I now plan to pursue other interests.


“Our organisation has faced some major challenges during this time. In particular, the importance of supporting Wellingtonians through a Global Pandemic while continuing to deliver approximately 400 services every day, and simultaneously building capacity to ramp up delivery on the most ambitious programme of investment the city has ever experienced.


“My focus will remain on ensuring the continued effective delivery of Council projects and services and a stable transition for the organisation,” adds Ms McKerrow.

Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon, Mayor Tory Whanau and CEO Barbara McKerrow collect award for WCC
Deputy Mayor Laurie Foon, Mayor Tory Whanau and CEO Barbara McKerrow collect LGNZ award for Council

Mayor Tory Whanau acknowledged Ms McKerrow’s commitment to Wellington and the Council, saying: “I would like to thank Barbara for her outstanding contribution to our council and the communities we serve.


“Barbara’s incredible knowledge of local government has been invaluable. This was recognised by the sector as a whole when the local government professional association Taituarā announced her as the winner of the Distinguished Management Award in 2023.


“I have deeply appreciated her intelligent, thoughtful and authentic leadership that has ensured as a council we deliver the best outcomes for our city.”


  • The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were made aware of the Chief Executive’s intention to not extend her term on Monday 29 July. A formal letter was sent to the Mayor today (Tuesday 30 July), which has been provided to Councillors.
  • The Mayor will work with the Performance Review Committee to set up a robust and timely process for hiring a new Chief Executive. 
  • Barbara McKerrow’s five-year fixed term contract of employment commenced on 1 March 2020 and will expire on 1 March 2025. The six-month deadline is 1 September.