News | 15 May 2024
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Next steps in the Long-term Plan process

Our vision for the future, Pōneke: A creative capital where people and nature thrive, is about creating a dynamic, sustainable and vibrant city. We need to put the building blocks in place now to lay the foundations for this future.

Central city from Mt Victoria lookout.

A Long-term Plan sets out how we will do this. It states our priorities for the next 10 years, including what we will do, how much it will cost and how we will pay for it. Our plans and budgets are draft. As we have just finished the consultation period, here are the next steps in the process of how decisions are made.  

What happens next? 
We appreciate the feedback we get, and we take time to consider it. 

The Mayor and Councillors are given copies of all submissions. We also prepare reports on the submissions, so Councillors know how many there were and what the main themes and comments are.  

People can speak to their submissions in front of the Mayor and Councillors at oral hearings, which take place between 9 – 23 May. 

Final deliberations on the Long-term Plan will take place at the Long-term Plan, Finance and Performance Committee on 30 May. 

The Mayor and Councillors are scheduled to adopt the final plan on Thursday 27 June 2024. 

Is there more information? 

No final decisions have been made, but all the supporting information that underpins this consultation document is available on our Long-term Plan website.  

This includes what projects are in and out of the budget, the changes to our fees and charges, all the policies relevant to the Long-term Plan, our draft financial statements, and the Financial and Infrastructure Strategies.  

The 2024–34 Long-term Plan comes into effect on 1 July 2024.  

For information on the 2023/24 year, please see the Annual Plan.