News | 21 June 2024
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Restoring the heart of our capital city? Absolutely

We’re making good progress on multiple projects that will enhance the resilience of Te Ngākau Civic Square and restore it to its place as the civic and cultural heart of the city.

indicative concept of te ngākau

CAB and MOB site redevelopment
The exciting future of Te Ngākau Civic Square continues to take shape with the announcement in April that the Council has selected Precinct Properties as its preferred developer for the Civic Administration Building (CAB) and Municipal Office Building (MOB) sites in Te Ngākau Civic Square.

Once CAB is demolished by the end of 2024 and MOB by the end of 2025, development of a new building can proceed on the two empty sites.

The new five-star green building will activate Te Ngākau by enabling a range of around-the-clock activity including retail, hospitality, co-working and office space, alongside civic and cultural spaces. It will also provide the front-of-house functions for the Town Hall and any national music centre requirements, while adding to the green space in Te Ngākau.

Other works happening in Te Ngākau

The CAB and MOB site redevelopment adds to the programme of work underway across Te Ngākau Civic Square precinct. Te Matapihi Central Library and Town Hall projects remain within the budgets approved by the Council, with the library on track to be completed by the end of 2025 and opened early 2026, and the Town Hall completed in 2027.

A master development plan for the precinct is also underway, with a draft plan due to be completed soon. This plan will inform the CAB and MOB redevelopment, with close collaboration between the teams working on each project.

Visit the project page for the latest updates.

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Major infrastructure upgrades are needed to make our city a better place to live, work, and play. These essential investments will enable our city to grow and thrive. Keep up to date with the projects happening in Wellington city on the Positively Pōneke microsite.