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News | 18 March 2025
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Bet your autumn dollar, you’ll love these gardening tips

Autumn is an exciting time in the garden! From the stunning autumn colours to the perfect weather for planting and prepping for winter, there’s lots to do. Here are some helpful tips from Wellington Gardens Plant Collections Team Manager Megan Ireland on how you can prep and make the most of your garden this autumn.

Two gardeners in the middle of tending to a garden.

Start with the soil 

Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy garden. Adding a layer of compost, or mulching your growing space with seaweed, straw or woodchips is a good way to build healthy soil – you want to see soil dark in colour and squiggling with worms! 

You can collect leaves and dead material for composting  leaves are a great addition to the compost for nutrient rich compost. 

Walkway in the local botanic gardens with a green bench to the left and the top of a duck pond tower in the distance.

Sharpen your pruners 

Maintain and sharpen pruning gear ready for autumn pruning. Why not try: 

  • pruning back perennials 
  • pruning fruit trees such as apples and plums in the late Autumn 
  • removing dead, dying, diseased or crossing branches. 

Weed, weed, weed 

It’s the final push to get rid of those pesky weeds. Get them before they seed, you’ll thank yourself come spring! 

A person working in a garden holding up branches.

Get planting  

A happy garden is a diverse garden. Try to plant winter vegetables such as brassicas and spinach. It’s also a good time to try and plant that fruit tree you’ve always wanted!  

If you’re not looking to grow vegetables, consider planting spring bulbs such as Tulips and Daffodils so they’re ready in time. 

Come up with a maintenance game plan 

Take note of what went well this year and what didn't. It's a great time to plan for next season. 

Late autumn is a great time to start dividing perennials and it gives them time to get established before winter. Autumn and winter are the time to do any small landscaping projects or building new garden beds. 

Beautiful autumnal leaves on the ground of a winding path.

Give your lawns some attention

Autumn is a good time to give your lawn a little TLC. Check out our story on how to care for your lawns on Our Wellington