Living in Newtown herself, she thinks that the changes to the centre will be wonderful for a wide range of people to enjoy based on the variety of spaces available.
“This includes a new dance hall with springy wooden floors that are gentle on the knees, with a mirror for dance or yoga classes. On the second floor there are two small meeting rooms that are good for counselling or small groups and a larger meeting room that has a cupboard filled with art supplies, and a lino floor so it can be multi-use.
“Previously it was a larger carpeted meetings room and we heard during the consultation that people want to make a bit more of a mess and so more art activities could happen. The centre also has tenants like the Citizens Advice Bureau and the Wellington Time Bank, where people can share their skills and knowledge in exchange for time credits instead of money. The centre has also been upgraded to be more accessible, with wider doors and an elevator, and all gendered toilets.”
An especially exciting part of the upgrade is the work that was done in the theatre, which is the only part of the upgrade that remains in the same location. Not only has it had a face-lift, but new technology funded by Lotteries Communities Facilities has been incorporated to make the space easier to use, adds Eryn.