News | 19 December 2022
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Welly Walks: Week three

#WellyWalks is back for summer! Every week, we’ll share the walk of the week so you can find out where to go and what treats you can find from local Wellington businesses. Check out where the next walk will be.

Black box in the gardens.

This walk is hidden within the Wellington Botanic Garden kī Pāekaka and celebrates how biosecurity protects our native flora and fauna from unwanted pests and diseases. 

In New Zealand we have systems in place for biosecurity including border officers, sniffer dogs and x-ray systems, but we can also do a lot ourselves by understanding what to look out for.

Learn all about what we need to keep an eye out for during this Welly Walk on the Biosecurity Trail.

Prepare for your walk by downloading the map to your phone

Three containers of honey

Then, scan the QR codes at each stop to learn more about each pest or disease. Each QR code will take you to a relevant video or website.

When you stop by the Discovery Garden, you’ll come across the treat of the week – Wild Flower Honey, produced by Wellington Manuka Honey Company and the Wellington Botanic Gardens Bees! 

Now that you know where to go, keep an eye on Instagram or Facebook to unlock the secret code then head out to the trail above from 9am on Saturday 24 December. Unlock the treat box with the secret code to get your prize!