News | 4 November 2022
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Friday Five: Ways to play in Pōneke

Monday 7 to Sunday 13 November is Play Week – a celebration of play and its value to tamariki, whānau and communities across Aotearoa! Play is fun, offers freedom and chances to take risks, and is an easy way for tamariki and whānau to stay active. Here’s five ways to play in Pōneke.

Two kids and a woman playing in nature.

1. Explore your own backyard 

Do you know what’s available in your neighbourhood? Why not go on a hunt and try find a new stream in your neighbourhood to play in this summer? Or, make a map of all the parks and reserves nearby so there’s always a different spot to explore.  

Find out more on our website.

2. Visit the new Pirie Street Play Area 

The Pirie Street Play Area has just been refreshed, and it’s looking better than ever! Why not go along with your tamariki and have a go on the new playground, try out the new Calisthenics Park or ride your bikes through the forest? 

Girl playing on the Matairangi Nature Trail.

3. Adventure through the Matairangi Nature Trail

While you’re in the area, visit the Matairangi Nature Trail for a fun play adventure with the whānau. Check out the cool new Nature Play Guide, encourage play, discovery and learning along the way. Download the guide from our website.

4. Visit the Tip Shop and give old toys some love

Who said you can’t teach an old toy new tricks? Head on over to the Tip Shop and do some rummaging through the collections of toys and treasures. Adults, encourage your kids to pick their own ‘toy’ from old loose parts. You might be surprised at what they choose.

5. Reflect on how you play, every day

Play Week is all about celebrating the importance and simplicity of play, every day. Perhaps by exploring your local reserve or park, letting the kids get wet in a stream or puddle, climbing trees or jumping off things, perhaps dancing around the house with your favourite music. How do you play, every day?

Watch out each Friday for a fun list of five great activities to do, places to explore, or things to discover in our awesome city.