News | 2 November 2021
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More Wellington residents now using Leisure Card

Nearly 2,000 more Wellingtonians are accessing pools, gyms and recreational facilities than they were two years ago thanks to the Council’s Leisure Card scheme.

Thorndon pool.

Leisure Card, a scheme which helps the more vulnerable members of our community access Wellington City Council owned facilities, has doubled its membership since 2019.

Today’s Puroro Rangaranga - Social, Cultural and Economic committee heard the numbers of people benefitting from the scheme was potentially higher now that it was available for households and individual members. 

Chairperson Councillor Jill Day says the rise in membership follows sweeping changes to the scheme two years ago which included reviewing eligibility criteria, improving the application process, extending the range of discounts available and working with community organisations and social agencies to reach target communities.

“Up to 75 percent of the 3,890 members say they wouldn’t visit these facilities if it wasn’t for the 20-50 percent discount offered to Council facilities Leisure Card members.

“While it was clear the scheme was being well supported, despite the disruption created by COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions, there was still potential to further increase membership.  

“Next steps are to make sure that participation in sport is accessible for all Wellington tamariki, and that all Pōneke residents benefit from our arts and creative scene.”  
The scheme costs Council $55,000 to administer and manage.