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News | 14 June 2021
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Special Matariki Our Wellington out this week

A special Matariki section and a handy pull-out recycling guide are the stars of the latest Our Wellington.

The cover of the Our Wellington magazine winter 2021 edition, which is a Matariki special and features an illustration of a red Māori tiki with nine stars above, and a blue and black patterned background.

The winter edition of Wellington City Council’s quarterly magazine, Our Wellington - Tō Tātou Pōneke, is being delivered to letterboxes in Wellington this week. 

It will also be available at selected Council venues and facilities across the city.  
It covers the period 16 June to 31 August.  
The edition features stunning cover artwork by artist David Hakaraia, who depicts the moment Tāwhirimātea, the god of the winds, tore out his eyes in anger and scattered them into the heavens, creating the nine stars of Matariki. 

Inside, there is a special star map showing how, when and where to best see the star cluster, plus features highlighting our Matariki ki Pōneke Festival events and performers. 

There is also info on why we celebrate Matariki. According to the Maramataka (Māori calendar), the rising of the Matariki star cluster in the northeastern sky brings the old year to a close and heralds the new year. Some iwi also recognise this time with the rising of the star called Pūanga, which is in the Orion constellation. 

In this edition we have an illustrated recycling guide that can be cut out and put on your fridge or kept somewhere else handy.

It has all the recycling dos and don’ts, with details on how to prepare your recycling, and common mistakes to avoid.

A smiling animal control officer looking at a brown and white dog she is holding, with hands in frame patting the dog with people and yellow and black cages in background.
Animal Services officer Vicki Harwood in her element.

We've also included profiles on one of our Animal Services Team, and the Council’s longest serving staff member, who is coming up to 60 years of working for our city. 

So look out for your copy of Our Wellington - Tō Tātou Pōneke in your letterbox, and check out all the latest information about Council services, facilities and events this winter.  
Copies are also available at the following sites: Te Awe Library, Arapaki Service Centre, Waitohi Community Hub, Tawa Library, Newtown Library, ASB Sports Centre, Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, and the Wellington I-SITE on Wakefield St.  

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