Over 8000 shelves are needed to house more than 250,000 books on the public floors of Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui (The Window to the Wider World). Laid end to end, that’s roughly 7.5 kilometres and the equivalent of walking from the Botanic Garden ki Paekākā to the Tapu te Ranga Island Bay Library.
But a collection this size is no easy feat to curate – it’s not as simple as putting in shelves and filling them up.
In fact, the Wellington City Libraries team is hard at work creating a perfect mix of old and new items for Te Matapihi, along with bespoke and creative elements to make each collection stand out.
When the Central Library closed in 2019, all the books, magazines, DVDs, vinyl, and other collection items were relocated. Some went to branch libraries in the network, while other items went to one of six temporary locations: three interim CBD libraries, Te Pātaka Collection and Distribution Centre in Johnsonville, Wellington City Archives, and controlled storage in other places around the city.
To prepare for the move, Wellington City Library Service Manager Kathleen Lockett says that the Collections team at Te Pātaka is preparing all the books in the Collection and Distribution Centre, as well as curating over 140,000 items for the library’s ‘long tail’.
“Our Collections team has three big tasks underway. We’re building up copies of popular books, which we deliberately buy more of to match customer demand. We’re buying books that will suit a large Central Library, because maybe that’s where they will find a bigger readership. And we're also keeping what we call the long tail, which you can think of as our back-catalogue.
"It’s a lot of the books, magazines, music and other things that used to be in the old Central Library or which have already circulated through the branches. They may not be read as much as the newer books, but they’re still very important for the future.”