The area will be classified as Scenic Reserve under the Reserves Act 1977 to protect its natural and recreational values for the public, which aligns with GGNZ’s values and Mr Hunt’s desire to see the native forest protected and enhanced over time.
“The Council will manage the area as part of the Outer Green Belt, for public enjoyment and to protect its biodiversity values. It will be part of the adjoining Huntleigh Park and Silverstream Play Area and public walking access up to Huntleigh Park Way will be maintained,” says Sherilyn Hinton, Council’s Manager Open Space and Recreation Planning.
All the forested hillside area is a Significant Natural Area with primary forest remnants and threatened-species habitat, including a kākā nesting site. Below, are attractive streamside grassy areas suitable for picnicking and nature play.
Wellington City Council Biodiversity Specialist Anita Benbrook has developed a plan to restore the demolition site and streamside areas.
“We identified where picnic areas and tracks would go and what areas would remain in mown grass. Then there is a mix of restoring stream banks and planting up some of the currently grassed areas. We looked at what weed pest control was required first; lots of blackberry and other pest weeds.
“Once we have good control of the weedy areas, native plants will be planted over the next couple of years during the winter months.”
A Crofton Downs resident and member of the Ngaio and Crofton Downs Residents Assocation, Andrew McLellan, says he is planning on volunteering his time to improve the area for his community.
"It was great to see the purchase of the Girl Guide land next to Huntleigh Park, securing protection for some of Wellington's best mature native forest. I'm looking forward to the Ngaio and Crofton Downs community rolling its sleeves up with the Council and neighbouring landowners to add to that forest with two community restoration planting days at the old Girl Guide centre site."