At yesterday’s Kōrau Tōtōpū Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee, the Council supported asking Wellingtonians for feedback on key proposals including:
* Options to manage insurance and investment risk by increasing debt headroom and establishing a disaster resilience fund.
* Options for Begonia House, the Karori Events Centre, and the Paneke Pōneke bike network.
* A draft budget that would result in an average 12.2% rates increase for the 2025/26 financial year (after growth in the ratepayer base and including the sludge levy).
* Options for managing the Mātai Moana Reserve on the Miramar Peninsula.
* Updates to the Rating Policy, to charge short-term accommodation providers (like Airbnb) commercial rates.
An amendment from Mayor Tory Whanau was passed supporting the continued operation of Begonia House, rather than its demolition, as the Council’s preferred option. Council staff were also asked to work with volunteers to support public fundraising efforts that could enable further improvements to be made to Begonia House.
Council staff were asked to provide further advice on improving edge protection around sections of the waterfront, with a view to consulting the public on options. The Council agreed to provision $11.1m for possible waterfront edge protection improvements in 25/26 pending the outcome of officers’ advice and the public consultation.
The Long-term Plan and Annual Plan consultation document content will now be audited by Audit NZ, before coming back to the Council to adopt the consultation document in March.
“These documents will lay out a long-term vision for Wellington, addressing the challenges and opportunities we face as a city,” says Mayor Whanau.
Consultation on the Long-term Plan Amendment, Annual Plan and Local Water Done Well water reform will take place from 20 March to 21 April. The public will have a range of opportunities to learn more and have their say, with a dedicated web hub, in-person drop-in sessions in each ward, online engagement opportunities, and printed materials in Council venues.
Elected members will make final decisions once community feedback has been considered.
After the deliberations, the amended Long-term Plan and Annual Plan will be audited prior to final adoption in June 2025 and will be in place from July 2025.
More information about the 2024-34 Long-term Plan amendment and 2025/26 Annual Plan process is available here: Long-term Plan 2024-34 Amendment and Annual Plan 2025-26 | Let's Talk.