The Taranaki Street rising main will be used to send wastewater to the main interceptor tunnel, which carries wastewater to the Moa Point treatment plant. It will be connected to the existing rising main network and help continue service if other mains need to be replaced in the future. If a problem arises in the local network, such as a burst pipe, this system will be able to pick up the load and pump it via an alternative route to the interceptor.
Thanks to use of the latest trenchless technology the project has been delivered with less disruption to the city and the environment than conventional construction techniques. This ‘guided augur bore’ system has enabled the project to be delivered faster, drilling right under sections of Taranaki Street minimising disruption to traffic and reducing the amount of waste to landfill.
Wellington Water Group Manager Network Development and Delivery Susannah Cullen says the team has been working hard to get this work completed and recently pressure tested the pipes to ensure they are ready to go into service, with everything going to plan.
“This key milestone is great testament to the dedication of everyone involved in this project. We are also extremely grateful for residents and businesses in the area for their patience and understanding as these works took place. This is an incredibly important project that’s part of wider work to build the resilience of Wellington city’s wastewater network while also improving environmental outcomes.”