News | 22 October 2024
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Mayoral statement: update on the LTP process

Wellington’s Mayor and Councillors met again to discuss next steps on the Long-term Plan amendment.

Wellington City from Tinakori Hill on a sunny day

“It will be a fast-moving process as we look to have the key elements of a draft LTP amendment ready by the end of the year. We’ve laid out some key upcoming dates that cover workshops on insurance risk and possible capex savings in early November and a key meeting to deliberate on what savings go into the LTP amendment on 21 November,” says Mayor Tory Whanau. 

“Making savings is a difficult process and we also discussed the principles that we should take to inform that.  

“As a top priority I think every Councillor agrees that the LTP amendment decisions should not further increase rates and should not reduce funding for water. The focus is on reducing new infrastructure and community building projects as these are debt-funded. 

“I have also laid out that as I steer us through this process, I will seek to avoid cuts to our provision of social housing and critical climate action. 

“I know that reductions to community projects are difficult. Where these are considered, it is my view that we should seek to share the pain as much as possible across different wards and between the central city and suburbs.” 

Key dates for LTP committee (note workshop / briefing dates may be subject to change):

  • 29 October                 Committee paper on process and risks 
  • 12/13 November        Committee workshop outlining options for reducing the capital programme 
  • 21 November             Decision on capital programme reduction for consultation 
  • 11 December             Approval of draft budget 
  • 20 March – 20 April   Community consultation 
  • 26 June                     LTP approved.