News | 14 October 2024
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Shipwreck Trading: Wellington waterfront’s new treasure trove

In the heart of Wellington’s waterfront near Whairepo Lagoon, a new business has set sail, captivating locals and visitors alike. Shipwreck Trading, the brainchild of Robert Baldock, is more than just a shop – it’s an immersive experience full of creativity, history, and nautical charm.

Man standing infront of a giant wheel outside his shipwreck themed shopfront.
Robert Baldock infront of his store, Shipwreck Trading.

After two decades working in the film and events industry creating props, Robert decided his next venture would be in the retail space.

His vision was simple – create a real-life treasure trove, where people could get easy access to nautical antiques and collectables.

Shipwreck Trading first opened in Seaview Marina in Eastbourne five years go, but Robert’s goal has always been to end up on the waterfront. He secured a space in one of the boatshed storefronts at the start of the year, and he still can’t believe his luck.

“We are very into the history of Wellington harbour. We have pieces off the Wahine shipwreck, and cannonballs from the bottom of the ocean. The harbour has so many historic wrecks and there are so many interesting stories. The difference between us and a museum is that we sell everything you see!”

Inside of a shipwreck themed store.

Robert wanted the shop to feel welcoming and immerse people in the nautical world, especially because of its unique spot overlooking the lagoon. You can’t miss it with a giant ship wheel out front, and six-foot pirate figure greeting you at the entrance. 

Navigating through the store, you’ll encounter taxidermy parrots perched on shelves, an old ship’s signal light in the centre of the store and large-scale model ships.  

Robert says that while it’s daunting setting up a new business in the city, he feels positive about the future of business in Wellington. 

“We have loyal customers who travel up from places like Nelson to see us. We also design and create pieces for collectors and film sets all around the world, so we’re more than a store. We support local businesses by stocking their items, but also bring things in from overseas. There are a range of budget-friendly options too.

Man smiling next to a large puppet pirate.

“We all know the past year has been tough, but celebrating the creative spirit is vital for our community. We need positivity now more than ever. Wellington is funky and different, and it’s got a real good vibe. I live on a boat in the harbour and it’s the ultimate lifestyle. I can take my scooter along the waterfront to get to work! It’s a special city.”

Even though he’s the newest shop on the block, Robert feels the support and optimism from the businesses around him.

“This location is great because you see others, like the owner of the Croc Bike hire shop next door, work really hard to do cool things for the city. By opening a second shop, people can take their croc bikes in between his two stores. It’s really cool. The waterfront team at the Council are also so supportive of us and what we do.

“Wellingtonians need to change their mindset. We need to get rid of the negativity and get out there and start doing stuff. We all need to sing from the same song sheet.” 

Taxidermy parrot sitting on a branch.

Waterfront Manager Shane Binnie says businesses like Robert’s are essential to the fabric of our community and the vibrancy of the waterfront. 

“They bring a unique charm and character that larger stores simply can’t replicate. By supporting local businesses, we not only foster innovation and creativity but also bolster the local economy and create diverse a environment for visitors and Wellingtonians to enjoy.

“Not only is Shipwreck Trading full of treasures, but Robert himself is a real treasure and radiates warmth and enthusiasm.”

There are plenty of positive changes coming to the waterfront over the next few months, from the underground carpark reopening later this year to the Waterfront Safety Improvements project underway. Find out more about Shipwreck Trading and the ongoing waterfront work.