Although the resilience issues are significant, they also offer us an opportunity to rebuild Te Ngākau to ensure it fulfils its potential.
In 2024, the revitalisation of Te Ngākau is well underway, with the opening of Te Matapihi scheduled for early 2026. The restored Town Hall will reopen soon after. The return of these important buildings will revitalise Te Ngākau and will signal the beginning of an exciting new era for the area.
Over the next few years, there are some key decisions that need to be made when it comes to the remaining buildings and spaces in Te Ngākau, including the City to Sea Bridge, Michael Fowler Centre, Jack Ilott Green and City Gallery. The Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan will guide the redevelopment.
As the city embarks on its biggest transformation programme in more than 30 years, we’re highlighting some corners of the capital that help make Wellington a better place to live, work, and play. To find out more about the works in Te Ngākau, you can visit our website or keep up to date with the projects happening in Wellington city on the Positively Pōneke site.