Predator Free Wellington
While Places for Penguins provides homes for kororā, Predator Free Wellington’s work keep their spaces safer. Because they nest on the ground, kororā and their eggs are vulnerable to mammalian predators like rats, stoats and weasels.
The team have been working in phases to eliminate these predators from the city. Phase one of this project was in Miramar Peninsula. As a result, kororā are doing very well on the peninsula, and they've been spotted around the place by residents, and the trail cameras that watch for rats sneaking back in.
Predator Free Wellington is currently in phase two of their work to remove predators, working from the CBD to Island Bay. As more of the Pōneke coastline becomes predator free, they expect to see kororā waddle into more parts of Wellington!
While we all help kororā in different ways, our message is the same - be mindful of your animals, as they pose a major threat to kororā around the city.
Bird of The Year is an annual campaign run by Forest & Bird to raise awareness for native wildlife, their habitats, and the threats they face. You can vote online until September 15.