News | 22 August 2024
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Family values: Avinash and Shrinidhi on central city living

While it was essential to find a warm home for their little whānau, the couple have found an even warmer community. After a year of living in their Te Kāinga apartment, Avinash and Shrinidhi have been very impressed with Pōneke.

Image of Avinash and Shrinidhi, with their child

Aotearoa wasn’t initially on the list when Avinash and Shrinidhi were looking for a change in scenery. In the end, it came down to a chance suggestion from a friend who already lived here. 

The couple lived in Singapore before deciding to move, Avinash for 10 years and Shrinidhi for four. After they welcomed their son into the family and their priorities shifted, the couple decided it was time to settle down somewhere to raise their family. 

Image of Te Kāinga fridge

Given the significance of an international move, it’s no surprise that the couple were practical about finding the ideal home for their young family. 

“The idea was that I would come here first,” said Avinash. “It would be too difficult to look with the baby.”  

For his first month, Avinash was living by himself just outside of Wadestown. “In the first two weeks, I must’ve seen 30-odd places.” 

Finally, a friend at work sent him a link to the newly available Te Pu apartments on Te Kāinga’s website. “I toured all the layouts while taking photos and videos, and sent them to Shri,” he recalls. 

“Initially, it’s very confusing when you see it on the phone. But I was impressed, I thought that if we get accepted, it’s a good thing,” Shrinidhi adds.  

Image of a Te Kainga kitchen

The apartment’s central location is close to everywhere they need to be: Avinash’s office; their son’s daycare and swimming lessons; playgrounds and beaches.  

They also come from notoriously warm countries – Avinash mentions numbers in the 40s when he talks about Chennai.  

“Our son has never lived in a colder country, and we knew it might get very cold during winter. I thought – we should not compromise on insulation!”  

 Shrinidhi gestures to the playmat spread out on the floor, “The space was very important too – he can run around and get tired.”  

Image of a child's playroom in Te Kāinga

While the climate was cooler, the family has been surprised by the warmth shown by their neighbours, and Wellingtonians in general.  

“It’s been a very drastic change for us, from Singapore to here,” Shrinidhi observes.  

“We have some friends in the apartment building. We happened to meet everyone in the lift – that's how we started,” she explains. 

“Which was not the case in my experience, back in Singapore. They don’t want to chat! It’s like: ‘What’s wrong, why are you asking me things?’.” 

Now, Shrinidhi knows that there’s a community of people in the building to lend a hand.  

“I know if I forget my keys, there are people to help me. I can dial any of the houses – there’ll be someone.” 

Avinash agrees, talking about his Kiwi colleagues: “When you’re talking with someone in New Zealand, you have that inherent trust. Good faith is something I’ve seen a lot here that I totally appreciate.” 

Artwork in the home of Avinash and Shrinidhi

Ultimately, the family’s first year in Pōneke has had a positive influence on everyone. 

“I think the attitude of the people and the environment is quite impressive. It’s been a very long time since I’ve had neighbours that look up and give you a smile,” reflects Shrinidhi.  

“It’s important that your surroundings reflect your morals, your values. Not just your home – out in the city too.  We’re very happy that our son is going to be here, learning to treat people well and interact with them nicely.”  

“It’s a matter of priorities,” concludes Avinash, with a smile.  

Looking to make a home in the central city? Find out more about Te Kāinga affordable rental apartments and book a viewing via the website

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