News | 21 June 2024
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Have your say on Grenada North Park upgrades

Concept designs to upgrade Grenada North Park are being developed and the community is invited to have their say on this multi-functional sports and recreation site.

Grenada North Park field and building before upgrade begins.
Grenada North Park

The much-anticipated plan is to create an attractive, functional and well-utilised sports and recreation park which caters for the growth in the northern suburbs. With priorities including sports fields that are usable all year-round, creating space for informal recreation, and improving pedestrian access. 


The next step in the project involves working with local communities, mana whenua and clubs to improve the sports and recreation facilities at Grenada North Park, reflecting the needs of the community, making it more sustainable, and fit for the future.


Feedback to help shape concept plans for the park include:


  • new artificial sports field
  • refurbishment of other fields
  • entrance upgrades
  • playground renewal
  • walking and biking tracks
  • furniture and other amenities.

Funding was allocated in Wellington City Council’s 2021-31 Long-term Plan, providing $13.2 million over three years from 2024. 



Concept design for Grenada North Park plan
Grenada North Park concept designs

Have your say
The public are invited to provide feedback about these options in person or online.

Drop-in session:

Sunday 23 June

Grenada North Park Clubrooms



Online survey:
Friday 21 June - Friday 5 July


More information can be found on the project page at