News | 1 September 2023
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Friday Five: Barbie on tour in the capital

Barbie has entered the real world and hit the streets of Wellington. She’s done a tour of the city and picked out her favourite spots for you to visit. Ready? Sublime!

A barbie doll wearing a pink dress sitting on a ledge at a lookout over a city.

1. Mount Victoria lookout

This Barbie loves taking in a good view, and this one at Mount Victoria lookout is hard to beat. Other great spots in the city are at the top of Mount Kaukau, or the lookout at Te Ahumairangi hill

Check out some other hidden gems in the city

A barbie doll wearing a pink dress sitting on a ledge infront of the cable car.

2. The Cable Car 

When she’s not travelling by rocket, boat, or rollerskates, Barbie enjoys a ride on the Cable Car - especially when it takes her up to the beautiful Botanic Garden Ki Paekākā

A barbie doll wearing a pink dress sitting on a ledge of a fountain with droplets raining down on her.

3. Bucket Fountain on Cuba Street

This Barbie got a little too close to the Bucket Fountain, but she still reckons its worth a visit. While you’re on Cuba, why not check out some of the cool things you can do in the area

A barbie doll wearing a pink dress sitting on an escooter infront of a sign that reads 'Well_ngton'.

4. Well_ngton sign on the waterfront

Barbie made the most of the Flamingo escooters and made her way to the Well_ngton sign, all while taking in the views of the waterfront. There’s plenty to see in the area – maybe you could pop into Te Papa, or take your own escooter down to Oriental Parade

A barbie doll wearing a pink dress sitting on the edge of a slide.

5. Botanic Garden ki Paekākā

Whether you’re in the mood for a walk, a family trip to the playground, or even a picnic amongst the flowers – you’re spoilt for choice at the Botanic Garden. Barbie especially loves the playground (even if the people who wrote this story threw her down the slide). 

Want to see more Barbie? Why not check out some of the awesome Barbie events at Wellington Museum. Or see a video version of Barbie's Wellington adventure on Instagram.

Watch out each Friday for a fun list of five great activities to do, places to explore, or things to discover in our awesome city.