News | 8 June 2023
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Traffic disruption on Victoria Street as tower crane is installed at Te Matapihi

As part of the Te Matapihi Central Library strengthening and refurbishment project, L.T. McGuinness is preparing to install a tower crane onto the Victoria Street site from Monday 12 - 15 June (weather permitting).

Central Library preliminary design render showing view from Harris Street.
Central Library preliminary design render showing view from Harris Street

Victoria Street will be closed to all through traffic from Harris Street to the Mercer Street intersection during the four-day period.


All vehicle access that is required to the car parking building on the western side of Victoria Street between Harris and Mercer Street will be managed by traffic controllers.


Please expect traffic disruption along Victoria Street and surrounding roads due to lane closures during this time. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.


Pedestrian access will remain available along the western side of Victoria Street, however, please be aware of the isolated work zone that will be occurring on Victoria Street.


The crane will service the Te Matapihi project by providing the ability to lift materials from the loading zone on Harris Street and Victoria Street into the building. The crane will play an important part in the construction of the new facades and the Civic Room. The crane will be there until March 2025.


The crane installation operation involves:


Day 1 - Traffic management setup and road closure of Victoria Street, from Harris Street to Mercer Street. Setup of mobile crane which will build the tower crane. Truck deliveries.

Day 2 - Building tower crane, truck deliveries

Day 3 - Building tower crane, truck deliveries

Day 4 - Demobilisation of mobile crane and removal of road closure.


Hours of operation:


Work on site will generally be between 7.30am-6pm, Monday to Saturday. However, there may be some works outside of these times, depending on progress.