Wellington City Council is the regulator and building owner, and the notice gives it seven and half years to plan and carry out remedial works on the 130-year building.
Council Chief Infrastructure Officer Siobhan Procter says: “The Bond Store is an iconic Wellington building. The Council will review earthquake strengthening options for the building over the coming months.”
The 1892 category 1 heritage building, known as the Bond Store, is one of the oldest structures in the city and is an iconic reminder of Wellington's past commissioned in 1890 by the Wellington Harbour Board.
A Detailed Seismic Assessment was carried out in 2013 which listed the building at 34% NBS.
Council commissioned a Seismic Assessment in September 2022. The findings of that assessment have parts of the building below the 33% (New Building Standard) NBS threshold for being earthquake prone.
However, reviewing the latest advice in conjunction with the MBIE Seismic Risk Guidance for Buildings, there is nothing within the assessment that indicates that the Bond Store isn’t suitable for continued occupation by Wellington Museum.
Under the NBS a building’s seismic performance rating is given based on its seismically weakest part.
The EPB notice will be displayed at every public entrance to the Bond Store.