News | 20 January 2023
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Get Street Smart!

We look after more than 700km of streets across the capital, and each one is unique. We’re highlighting them with Street Smart, a series that showcases the facts, figures and colourful local stories of our roads, crescents and ways.

A black and white photo of Courtenay Place in 1910 with horse and carts riding beside early motorcars.

Check out our Street Smart story collection below.

A green background with a white round logo walking with
Top image: Courtenay Place in 1910. Wellington City Council Archives, 00157-4

A brief history of our streets

From pre-European ara (paths) all the way to Let's Get Wellington Moving and everything in between.

Different types of streets explained

Can you tell your ara from your alley? What's the difference between a glade and a grove? Find out here.

Did you know? 

Our highest, widest, busiest, newest, shortest streets revealed – and much more.

Why are Wellington's streets so darn narrow? 

Ever wondered why Wellington’s streets are so darn narrow? Wellington City Council’s local historian Gábor Tóth recounts the tale.

How we name our streets

Names should be unique, short, simple and respectful. It also helps if they tell a story. Discover how Wellington City Council names our streets.

Street name themes by suburb

Brooklyn has its American political figures, Khandallah has Indian places. What other suburbs have themed street names?

Streets you may be mispronouncing

Test out your knowledge with these commonly mispronounced Wellington street names.

Streets with interesting histories

From a raging jazz club to a famous Rangatira (chief) and one of the wealthiest families in Aotearoa; discover the fascinating history and stories behind five of Wellington's streets.

When is a street not a street?

How is it that some streets don't physically exist, and what exactly is a ghost street?

Spotlight on Cockayne Road

We're highlighting this Khandallah road and its fascinating link to an ecological botanist of worldwide reputation and Ōtari-Wilton's Bush.