News | 14 October 2022
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Wellington City 2022 Triennial Elections Declaration of Result

Final results for the Wellington City Council elections have been released with no changes to the preliminary results released on the weekend.

Wellington at sunset

Nīkau Wi Neera is declared elected in the new Te Whanganui-a-Tara Māori Ward with 872 votes, with Matthew Reweti excluded with 805.

The other close decision sees Jackson Lacy beat out close runner Warwick Glendenning to be elected to the Tawa Community Board with 556 votes.

Progress report

The progress report included votes returned up until Friday 7 October. Votes hand delivered on Saturday morning 8 October and all special votes are not included in a progress result. Progress results reflected approximately 85% of the votes. 

Preliminary results

Preliminary results included all the ordinary votes, including those hand delivered on Saturday morning 8 October. Special votes are not included. 

Final results

Special votes have been validated by the Electoral Commission, they include all votes, including special votes returned by 12 noon on Saturday 8 October.

The voter return was 43.27%, being 69,421 voting papers, excluding special votes. 

There were 3,996 special votes issued. 3,621 special votes were returned, of which 3,192 were verified and allowed by the Electoral Commission.