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News | 13 June 2022
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Special Matariki Our Wellington magazine out this week

Everything you need to know about winter in the capital is in our special Matariki edition of Our Wellington - Tō Tātou Pōneke, which is set to hit the streets this week.

A red Māori koru design with a circular black and white design within it.

The magazine, which covers the period from 16 June to 31 August 2022, focuses on the Māori New Year, with the first-ever public holiday to celebrate Matariki on Friday 24 June.

The cover, designed by local Māori Artist David Hakaraia, depicts Ngā Whetū O Matariki – the Stars of Matariki, which are the representation of new life and those who have passed on.

Inside Tō Tātou Pōneke, we share some top spots in the capital for stargazing the Matariki cluster.

A glamourous Māori woman standing tall dressed in a glitzy long back dress standing in a white room decorated in red and white flowers.

We meet Suzanne Tamaki – mother, artist, Māori Warden, and Creative Event Producer who is behind our upcoming Matariki ki Pōneke celebrations (23-26 June).

There’s the latest on the redesign of Te Matapihi ki te Ao Nui – Central Library, where there will be a range of quiet and active spaces for people to read, study or connect, including a large ground floor cafe that will open out into Te Ngākau Civic Square.

And we introduce our Mataaho Aronui – Māori Strategic Outcomes team, providing Wellington City Council with a strong Māori voice.

Nine relatively young people of Māori decent dressed in smart casual and standing in a line looking at the camera with clear blue sky above.

There’s a story about the free Zero Waste Education Programme that is inspiring tamariki to become waste minimisers, and updates on initiatives happening under the Pōneke Promise – our commitment to make our city a safer, more vibrant, welcoming place to be.

The magazine also shares what you need to know about the upcoming local elections. And, of course, it features details for exciting upcoming events, as well as dates for Council meetings and funding opportunities.

Copies of Our Wellington - Tō Tātou Pōneke are also available at the following Council sites: Te Awe Library, Arapaki Service Centre, Waitohi Community Hub, Tawa Library, Newtown Library, ASB Sports Centre, Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre, and the Wellington I-SITE on Wakefield Street.