News | 25 February 2022
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Miramar night work starts next week

Finishing touches will be made at the entry to Miramar next week, including resealing part of Miramar Avenue and putting in new bike and walking crossings to make things safer.

Artist impression of the new walking and biking paths being constructed in Miramar
Artist impression of the new walking and biking paths in Miramar

The new asphalt surface is part of Wellington City Council's regular maintenance programme to keep roads in good shape. It will also complement and help complete work that has been going on in this area to improve walking and biking links between Te Motu Kairangi (Miramar Peninsula) and the city. 

These wider changes are part of developing a city fit for the future where Wellingtonians can easily access safe walking, biking and scooting routes and it’s easy to get around in zero or low carbon ways.

Weather permitting, the work will start on Sunday evening (27 February) and be completed in sections over the next week. Downer crews will do almost all of the work in the evening and overnight to minimise disruption for people who use this key route, and to support businesses during daytime trading hours.

The area being resealed is from just west of Shelly Bay Road to just past Tauhinu Road.  

At times, traffic will be reduced to one lane through the area between 7pm and 5am with stop/go signs and traffic management devices, but the aim is to keep Miramar Avenue, Shelly Bay Road, and the side streets open at all times while the work happens.

The work is expected to take 4 to 5 nights, but if there is wet weather, it may take longer.

The workers will begin setting up on site from 6pm, with work getting under way between 7pm and 7.30pm. They will do everything they can to minimise disruption, but there will be delays and noise at times, particularly up to 1am, when equipment will be used to remove layers of old asphalt.  

New raised crossings will be installed across three side streets (Shelly Bay Road, Maupuia Road and Tauhinu Road) following the road resurfacing. These will help complete a safer connection between the town centre and Tahitai, the new coastal walking and biking route into the city from the east. There has previously been no safe way for people on foot and bikes to cross these often-busy side streets.

Once the crossings, new road markings and give way signs are installed, everyone will need to take extra care. It takes time to adjust to a new layout. Vehicles entering and exiting these streets must give way to anyone crossing on foot, bikes or scooters.

People using the crossings need to do so with care too. For your own safety, slow down, make sure people driving have seen you, and are stopping as required before stepping out or riding across. 

The new garden beds will be planted closer to winter when it’s not so dry.