Please note: the new committee structure and Te Reo Māori names can be found on a subsequent news story here.
“The package of change includes reconfirming a shared vision and a high-level work programme aligned to our Long-Term Plan to address Wellington’s most pressing needs," he says.
“To do business more effectively the review has recommended the Council change our meeting practices. This will have major benefits especially at this critical time when the Council is being called upon to make significant decisions for the future.
“Elected representatives are being challenged to reset how we work and, in agreeing to the recommended structure and practices, we are determined to build trust and confidence in the Council’s governing body,” he adds.
The new committee structure, effective from 1 June 2021, sits under the governing body of the full Council.
Finance and Performance Committee - a committee of the whole
Chair - Councillor Diane Calvert
Deputy Chair - Councillor Simon Woolf
Policy, Planning and Environment Committee - a committee of the whole
Chair - Councillor Iona Pannett
Deputy Chair - Councillor Tamatha Paul
Infrastructure Committee - a committee of the whole
Chair - Councillor Sean Rush
Deputy Chair - Councillor Jenny Condie
Social, Cultural and Community Services Committee - a committee of the whole
Chair - Councillor Jill Day
Deputy Chair - Councillor Nicola Young
Annual Plan/LTP Committee - a committee of the whole
Chair - Councillor Rebecca Matthews
Deputy Chair - Mayor Andy Foster
Regulatory Processes Committee - a committee of the part
Chair - Councillor Malcolm Sparrow
Deputy Chair - Councillor Teri O’Neill
CEO Performance and Review Committee - a committee of the part
Chair - Mayor Andy Foster
Deputy Chair - Deputy Mayor Sarah Free
Audit and Risk Committee - a committee of the part with external appointments
Chair - independent appointment
Deputy Chair – Councillor Jenny Condie
Grants Subcommittee (a subcommittee of Social, Cultural and Community Services Committee) - a committee of the part
Chair - Councillor Fleur Fitzsimons
Deputy Chair - Councillor Laurie Foon.
This week’s Strategy and Policy Committee Meeting will receive the report’s recommendations, including the new committee structure. This will be followed by the formal adoption of the Governance Review recommendations, committee structure and respective terms of reference at the full Council meeting on the 28 April 2021.
“Personally, I am looking forward to a more streamlined way of working that builds on the potential of my role as chief advocate for Wellington,” says Mayor Foster.