Parks and Gardens
Myfanwy Emeny, Open Space and Parks Manager, encourages everyone to keep active during Alert Level 2.
“All our parks and open spaces are open and keeping active and healthy is more important than ever, for both our physical and mental health. We want to support everyone doing this safely, so please remember to manually record where you have been when there isn’t a QR code available."
Find out where Wellington's parks and reserves are here.
Road works
Transport Manager Bradley Singh says our roading teams and contractors will continue to ensure roads are maintained and kept in a safe and serviceable condition during Alert Level 2.
“At this stage, customers can expect normal services to continue. We will respond first during major events such as storms and to clear slips, manage surface flooding and undertake repairs that may be required.
“Having been in this position before, we have well-defined processes to get us through Alert Level 2.
“If we end up moving to Alert Level 3, we will still continue to provide the same services but with greater emphasis on ensuring we adhere to the Alert Level 3 COVID-19 protocols. However, due to the extra precautions we’ll have to take, ultimately it may take longer to get things done.”
Consenting Team
Halley Wiseman, Resource Consents Manager, says customers are being given the choice of meeting either virtually or face-to-face with appropriate physical distancing. People applying for a resource consent are also encouraged to use the online portal.
Building Compliance and Consents Manager Chris Scott says building inspections are continuing, with Government precautions followed.
“Sites we are attending need to have a COVID-19 control plan with signage, hygiene/wash stations for when everyone enters and exits, registration and COVID-19 scanning to sign into sites, and physical distancing measures in place.
“We will be ringing ahead of inspections to check they have their COVID-19 protocols in place. If they need further guidance, we encourage them to look at the CHASNZ online guidance.
"We are continuing to process building consents and are contacting customers to see if meetings can be virtual, otherwise Ministry Of Health guidelines are followed.”